Using folders

Apart from the browsing documents in the archive registry you can also arrange your documents in a classic manner using folders. To show the folders tree you need to expand the Folders panel. In the top right corner of the folder view you can see usual commands related to handling with folders, with the Create subfolder command among the others:

Folders panel and folder options

To access to the root folder (/) there are by default entitled all workers and guests:

Default root folder permissions

To learn more about the folder permissions please refer to this section

Each document you can easily drag from the registry to the folder using "drag & drop" feature. Just click on the document link and drop it to the specific folder:

Moving document from registry to the folder

After moving the document to the folder, it's now stored here (but it's still displayed in the registry as well):

Document in folder

You can also move the document to the folder from the document preview screen. Just start dragging from the document name:

Moving document from the document view to the folder

Finally, you can also move the documents to the folders directly from the inbox:

Moving document directly from the inbox to the folder

In that instance the document is immediately removed from the inbox and moved to the folder. It is also not displayed in the registry, because it hasn't set any document category. Such documents are only accessible from the folder.

This feature you can use if you neither want to describe documents nor set their categories, but you want only to arrange you documents in a folders tree.

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Project co-financed by the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund within the framework of the Innovative Economy Programme